Becoming Fashion Revolutionary

Fashion is our chosen skin. The clothes we wear represent how we feel about ourselves. They’re our message to the world about who we are. Our clothes say a lot about us, but we don’t know all that much about our clothes. It takes a lot to make a garment.
Not just the bits we hear about – the designers, the brands, the shops, the catwalk shows and the parties – but also the cotton farmers, the ginners, spinners, weavers,
dyers, sewers and other factory workers who make the clothes we love.
But the people who make our clothes are hidden. We don’t know who makes our clothes. And they don’t know who buys the clothes they make. We need to reconnect these broken links because when we buy a product, we also buy a whole chain of value and relationships.
By thinking about the people and stories behind our clothes, we can tell a different story about fashion.

ATTENTION! Amazing Pre-wedding Photoshots

How you can become a Fashion Revolutionary
You re-shape the fashion industry every time you find stories about your clothes, talk about them with others, share them online, and discuss what’s right and wrong about them. What you think, say and do changes fashion.
You hold the power to influence the kind of world you want live in and that you want for others. Your words and where you put your money matters. It sends a signal about what you believe in.

It just takes few simple steps...
You re-shape the fashion industry – the lives of its producers, its workers – every time you buy or dispose of clothing.
1. The first thing you can do is understand that the “supply chain” is not some faraway land -- you’re in it! Your wardrobe is in the supply chain, somewhere 3/4 of the way in between the raw materials and disposal, so every choice you make has an effect.
2. Buy with love and treat with care, that is hugely important, for every piece of clothing that you care and repair you are slowing down mass production and making a clear commitment to a better future.
3. Respect your clothes as it was ultimately a group of people who made them: it isn’t enough looking for quality in the products you buy, you must ensure that there is quality in the lives of the people who made them.
4. Keep yourself informed -- there are some insanely brilliant young designers out there looking for support, and your custom could make a massive difference to their business.
5. Don’t impulse buy, torture yourself and wait. Many things we buy, we don’t necessarily love enough nor need, so why have them? There are other ways to enjoy fashion -- you can rent, swap, borrow
6. Keep yourself informed: sustainability is a complex subject and there is no easy solution, but it is an interesting subject and there are many aspects to it, from the social to the environmental, something will grab you and ignite your passion.

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