Some Essential Homemade Beauty Tips For Fair Skin

We all secretly desire beautiful looks and flawless complexion. But most of us fall prey to pollution and other factors, and our skin ends up looking dull and lifeless. What can be done about this?
In this post, we have an exhaustive list of beauty tips for getting fair skin at home. But this isn’t all about just face packs. We have also tried to cover specific foods and other skin care basics that are often ignored or overlooked.
Go ahead and check them out – and get ready to see your skin glowing!

The Remedies
1.      Green Tea Water And Honey Face Pack
2.      Oats And Lemon Face Pack
3.      Turmeric And Lemon Face Pack
4.      Turmeric And Tomato Face Pack
5.      Yogurt And Dried Orange Peel
6.      Yogurt And Lemon
7.      Milk, Lemon Juice, And Honey
8.      Papaya And Fuller’s Earth
9.      Potato
10.  Lemon Rind
11.  Honey Face Mask
12.  Raw Honey And Lemon
13.  Olive Oil And Sea Salt Scrub
14.  Coconut Milk
15.  Raw Milk
16.  Orange, Lemon, and Yogurt Moisturizer

The Tips
18.  Castor Oil
19.  Healthy Diet
20.  Sun Protection And Care

Skin Repair Masks
21.  Homemade Tan Removal
22.  Homemade Sunburn Cure

Home Remedies
1. Green Tea Water And Honey Face Pack

What You Need
·         1 cup of green tea water (cooled down)
·         2 spoons of rice flour
·         ½ spoon of honey

What You Need To Do
1.      Mix the above ingredients and apply the paste to your skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes or more, or till the mask dries completely.
2.      Before washing off the mask with water, make sure you massage in circular motions. This is important as it removes the dead skin cells and evens out the skin tone.
3.      Wash your face with cold water. This gives you a fairer and even skin tone.

In the morning, before going for a bath.

Why This Works
The antioxidants in green tea water will flush out the free radicals and toxins from your skin. Adding honey will help protect your face from bacteria. It also improves the texture of the skin and keeps it moisturized. Rice flour acts as an excellent scrub.

Jumia Beauty Skin Care Treatments here
Konga Beauty Skin Care Treatments here
Amazon Beauty Skin Care Treatments here

2. Oats And Lemon Face Pack

What You Need
·         1 tablespoon of oats – cooked and mashed
·         1 tablespoon of lemon juice

What You Need To Do
1.      Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply the pack on your face and massage it gently.
2.      Let it dry for 20 minutes.
3.      Wash off with cold water and pat dry with a soft and clean towel.

In the morning before taking a bath.

Why This Works
Oats reduce inflammation and heal the skin. Oats also work as exfoliators and clear off the oil, grime, and impurities present on the skin. Lemon juice helps lighten the skin tone as it is rich in vitamin C.

In case you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with water.

3. Turmeric And Lemon Face Pack
What You Need
·         1 tablespoon of gram flour
·         1 tablespoon of turmeric
·         1 tablespoon of lemon juice
·         1 tablespoon of milk

What You Need To Do
1.      Mix all the ingredients in a bowl till you get a smooth paste.
2.      Apply the paste to your face by scrubbing for about five minutes.
3.      Leave the paste on for about 20 minutes, after which you can clean your face with cold water.
4.      Pat dry with a clean towel.

You can do this in the morning before you take a bath.

Why This Works
Turmeric has shown to improve the smoothness of the skin. It also has antibacterial properties that help cleanse the skin and keep it healthy

4. Turmeric And Tomato Face Pack
What You Need
·         1 tablespoon of turmeric
·         1 tablespoon of tomato juice

What You Need To Do
1.      Mix both the ingredients in a bowl till you get a smooth paste.
2.      Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes.
3.      Rinse your face with cold water.

In the morning before taking a bath, or in the night before going to bed.
Why This Works
Tomato contains lycopene, an antioxidant that protects from UV damage. In addition, it also works as a great anti-aging agent.

5. Yogurt And Dried Orange Peel
What You Need
·         A few dried orange peels
·         1 tablespoon of fresh and unflavored yogurt

What You Need To Do
1.      Grind the dried orange peels till you get a powder (you can ideally dry the peels in the sun after having eaten the fruit).
2.      Mix a tablespoon of this powder with the yogurt till you get a smooth paste.
3.      Apply this paste to your face and keep it on for about 20 minutes.
4.      Rinse with cold water.

In the morning before taking a bath.

Why This Works
Orange is rich in vitamin C and works as a great skin tonic. Yogurt plays a major role in giving your skin its lost glow. It fights skin discoloration and other signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. Yogurt also moisturizes the skin effectively.

6. Yogurt And Lemon
What You Need
·         1 tablespoon of fresh and unflavored yogurt
·         1 teaspoon of lemon juice

What You Need To do
1.      Mix the yogurt and lemon juice thoroughly.
2.      Apply the resultant paste to your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
3.      Wash your face with cold water.

You can do this either in the morning before taking a bath, or in the night before going to bed.

Why This Works
Yogurt and lemon both moisturize the skin and help remove blemishes. Lemon also contains vitamin C that protects the skin from UV damage. Yogurt improves the overall skin texture and even makes skin brighter.

7. Milk, Lemon Juice, And Honey
What You Need
·         1 teaspoon of milk
·         1 teaspoon of lemon juice
·         1 teaspoon of honey

What You Need To Do
1.      Mix all the ingredients evenly in a bowl till you get a smooth paste.
2.      Apply the paste to your cleansed face and keep it on for about 20 minutes.
3.      Rinse your face with cold water.

In the morning before going for a bath.

Why This Works
Milk has natural fats and minerals that tone the skin. It also contains magnesium, calcium, and other proteins that tighten the skin and nourish it.

9. Potato
What You Need
The pulp of a potato

What You Need To Do
1.      Apply the potato pulp to your face and let it stay for about 20 minutes.
2.      Wash off with plain water.

You can do this remedy twice daily – once in the morning before taking a bath, and once in the night before going to bed.

Why This Works
Potato is a natural bleaching agent that plays a major role in lightening your skin and giving it a natural glow.

11. Lemon Rind
What You Need
·         Lemon rind
·         A few teaspoons of raw milk

What You Need To Do
1.      Dry the lemon rind in the sun and grind it till you get a fine powder.
2.      Mix the powder with the milk and make a smooth paste.
3.      Apply this paste to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
4.      Wash your face with warm water, and immediately follow with a cooling toner.

In the morning before taking a bath.

Why This Works
The high vitamin C content of lemon will brighten your skin and protect it from external pollution.

12. Honey Face Mask
What You Need To Do
1.      Take a tablespoon of raw honey and then warm it up by rubbing it with your fingertips.
2.      Apply the warm honey all over your face.
3.      Leave this natural mask for about ten minutes and then wash it off gently with warm water.
4.      Pat your face dry with a fresh towel or cloth.

Follow this remedy only once a week and then confidently step out with a naturally soft and glowing honey skin.

Why This Works
Honey is a natural anti- bacterial ingredient for beauty care.

13. Raw Honey And Lemon
What You Need To Do
1.      Pour four to five drops of raw honey on a piece of lemon wedge.
2.      Rub the lemon all over your face only for a single minute.
3.      Wash your face with cold water after leaving the lemon and honey mixture for maximum five minutes.

Try this tip before going to bed as citrus fruits such as lemon are photosensitive.

14. Olive Oil And Sea Salt Scrub
What You Need To Do
1.      A mixture of olive oil and sea salt is needed. The ratio of the mixture must be two to one.
2.      Applying this body scrub and massage for a few minutes.
3.      Rinse with cool water.

Why This Works
This natural salt and oil body scrub is cheap and effective; and works as well as other expensive, chemical-laden body scrubs. It removes the dead skin cells and will also help the skin to attain a glamorous look.

15. Coconut Milk
What You Need To Do
1.      Squeeze out coconut milk from a grated raw coconut.
2.      Apply this milk all over your face, including lips.
You will certainly gain a glowing skin. This is one of the best natural tips for skin care.

16. Raw Milk
What You Need To Do
·         Take a piece of cotton ball and dip it in un-boiled milk.
·         Wipe your tired face with it for instant freshness.

Why This Works
This kitchen corner natural remedy has the power to cleanse out unseen harmful dirt from the skin. It works as an effective cleanser and is much safer than the packed cleansing products.

17. Orange, Lemon, and Yogurt Moisturizer
How confident are you about your moisturizer? Does it hydrate your skin and keep the moisture locked? If not, then you can surely try this natural moisturizer, which not only moisturizes your skin but also keeps it hydrated from inside.

What You Need To Do
1.      To prepare this moisturizer, you will need one tablespoon of orange juice, one tablespoon lemon juice and a cup full of yogurt.
2.      Then mix them together and apply the paste over the entire face and leave it as a mask for ten to fifteen minutes.
3.      Take a wet tissue and clean your face with it.

Why This Works
The ingredients of this moisturizer brighten the complexion of your skin and also increases the glow of your face.

Jumia Beauty Skin Care Treatments here
Konga Beauty Skin Care Treatments here
Amazon Beauty Skin Care Treatments here

18. Castor Oil
 What You Need To Do
1.      Apply a few drops of pure castor oil on your face and massage it well.
2.      Leave it for half an hour or so, and then wipe with a wet cloth.

Why This Works
Pure castor oil has the potential to decrease the aging process of your skin. It works wonders by preventing wrinkles and can even soften your skin magically.

Tips For Fair Skin
19. Healthy Diet
Apart from the effective home remedies, there are certain other factors you must take care of for fair skin – and the first among them is your diet. Without the right nutrients, your skin cannot undo the damage it sustains on a daily basis.
·         You need to consume the right quantities of essential ingredients for a healthy and fair skin.
·         Eat fruits rich in vitamin C as they contain antioxidants.
·         Balance your diet to get the right amount of proteins and unsaturated fats along with fresh, green vegetables. All these provide the right amount of nutrients for your skin to naturally heal itself and improve.

20. Sun Protection And Care
One more thing you must keep in mind is to not step out of your home without sun protection. Wondering why? Well, the harsh rays of the sun can do you more damage than you could have ever imagined. his is why you need to use a sunscreen. Keep the following points in mind:
·         Always apply a sunscreen before stepping out into the sun.
·         An SPF of at least 30 or more, depending on your skin type, is necessary.
·         The UV rays darken and damage your skin. So, make sure you reapply your sunscreen every four or five hours.
·         Prepare your own sunscreen lotion with glycerin, cucumber juice, and rose water. You can also store this lotion in the refrigerator.
If you have already spent too much time in the sun, you would require specialized treatment to heal your skin by removing the tan and burns. Try out these skin repair masks to have your issues solved.

Skin Repair Masks
21. Homemade Tan Removal
Tans are inevitable, aren’t they? No matter how much sunscreen we apply, the brutal sun always finds a way to harm us. There are several ways to remove a tan right at your home. But here, we shall enlighten you on one of the most famous tan removal packs ever.

22. Homemade Sunburn Cure
Well, sunburns are natural once you hit a beach for your vacation. But that doesn’t mean you need to go back to work looking toasted. Here is one solution you will definitely love!

Vinegar has antioxidants that fight free radicals and also keep bacterial and fungal infections at bay. More importantly, the pH level of your skin is effectively restored with the use of vinegar. This is what you need to do:
1.      Take a clean spray bottle and fill it with some vinegar.
2.      Spray it directly on the affected areas and allow it to dry.
3.      Normally, vinegar dries within two to three minutes, and you can instantly feel a cooling and relaxing sensation on your skin.
4.      You can follow the same procedure once every five hours to prevent the burning sensation and to cure your sunburn faster.
So, here are the easy-to-make homemade face packs you can use anytime. Wash your face thoroughly before applying these face packs. Wear a hair band and plain clothes that you won’t feel sorry about if spoilt. Use a brush to apply the face pack evenly. While washing off the face mask, use circular movements with your fingertips to get rid of the excess dirt. You can use a washcloth to wipe off your face. Don’t rub your face. Instead, pat it dry.
Your skin needs time and care for rejuvenation and regeneration. Without basic care, improving your skin’s condition and tone would be a difficult task. This is why you need to follow certain skin care basics to ensure a youthful, glowing skin.
Following are the certain factors that can contribute to healthy and glowing skin:

a. Drink Lots Of Water
Make it a habit of drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water every single day. This is not just a common advice – water is essential for the proper functioning of the body. There is a fluid loss from the body due to evaporation, sweating, and urination. This loss needs to be compensated by drinking plenty of water and juices (and not soft drinks).
When the water intake is not equal to the water output, dehydration takes place. Generally, fluid loss takes place in warmer climates, in people who perform grueling exercise routines at high altitudes and in older people who don’t tend to feel thirsty.
About 70 percent of the body is composed of water, which is required for various functions like digestion, respiration, absorption, circulation, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of normal body temperature. When you are low on water, the brain triggers the body’s thirst mechanism. Water is a zero-calorie beverage, and drinking it is the safest way to lose weight.
Water energizes you and relieves you from fatigue. When you are dehydrated and tired, your face looks really dull. The skin mirrors your health, so you should treat water as a nutrient and drink it. Since water improves digestion, it makes your face fresh and free of acne.

b. Sleep Well
If you don’t sleep, it shows on your face. You look irritated and tired. The solution is to not skip your beauty sleep and avoid staying awake till late hours in the night. The lack of sleep causes the blood vessels to dilate, and this results in dark circles.
The skin undergoes repair, restoration, and rebalancing while you are sleeping. The dead skin cells give way to newer cells, and the face gets an instant lift.
All the hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body while you are sleeping. So, the lack of sleep disrupts the body processes. Seven to eight hours of sleep is absolutely needed if you want a healthy skin. However, don’t oversleep as it can cause cell breakdown. Maintain balance. Fix your sleeping and waking timings. Sleep on a soft pillow and make sure the pillow cover is also soft.
c. Exercise
You must exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. If you have skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and rosacea, take ample precautions before exercising, but don’t let them hinder your active life. Dermatologists say that exercise helps increase the blood circulation that itself boosts skin health.
When you do any physical activity, the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all the cells, including your skin cells, and makes them healthy. Exercise also helps remove cellular debris and free radicals from the body and cleanses it from within. Sometimes, stress causes the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum, and this triggers skin problems like eczema and acne. Exercise helps to de-stress, and this keeps skin problems at bay. More importantly, exercise tones your body and makes you look beautiful.
d. Exfoliate
Follow a good skin care routine. Do not skip exfoliation as, without it, you cannot get rid of dead and dry skin that accumulates and makes your complexion appear dull. You needn’t always buy a scrub. Homemade scrubs are just as effective. Use oatmeal as an exfoliator instead of a packaged product. There are many natural options available.
e. Remove Makeup Before Sleep
It is important to let your skin breathe. Remove your makeup before you sleep every night. Yes, follow this step every night, without fail, no matter how tired you are! With makeup, your skin cannot repair itself.
Using oil to remove makeup is perhaps better than using harsh chemicals. Those with oily skin feel that the excess oil can cause more harm. Well, it is not so. Oil helps dissolve the dirt and sebum without stripping the face of the natural oils. Those with oily skin can also use an astringent like a neem-based cleanser.
Make sure the cleanser is water-based. Virgin olive oil is the best as it removes all the eye and face makeup in one step. You can also use castor oil – it is antibacterial and great for your skin. You can also blend castor oil with almond oil, avocado oil, and jojoba oil to remove wrinkles and give your skin the natural glow.
·         Blend half a cup of virgin olive oil and castor oil.
·         Apply it to your face and massage gently. Use the oil to remove all the eye makeup gently.
·         Now dip the washcloth in warm water, and wring out the excess water.
·         Place it on your face and keep it right there for a minute, and then wipe out the excess oil.
·         This simple oil cleansing routine will remove all impurities.

f. Have Vitamin-Rich Food
Incorporate foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin C in your diet. This will bring a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin C tablets are also available. You can have one tablet everyday post lunch for a clear skin tone.
So, why wait! Follow the tips mentioned above and keep your skin fair and healthy!