She started off her story, narrating how she went out at exactly 4:48pm to get some stuff… But on returning back to her home, she entered a cab, which apparently was a “one chance” vehicle.
Taking to her Whatsapp Story, she wrote:

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So, I told the driver I wanna highlight, and the man said in Yoruba (Oti di oun etutu), which means I would be used for sacrifice.I was dumb for like 30 seconds, that was when I knew I was in deep shit… I started thinking of my life… Is this how I’m gonna die, is this how I won’t have my PHD, different thoughts was running through my mind and I don’t even know the ones to stick with at the time.During this period, my phone had been collected and we are blind folded and tied, you know the normal drill. I couldn’t even shed a tear, I was busy thinking of how to escape once we arrive to the destination, thinking of different skills and shii.We got to the destination and they they said let’s start with the fair lady, (in Yoruba) in my mind I was like this is end, so they started arguing amongst themselves, I could hear 2 female voice and 2 different male voices. They kept on arguing for a while and I have definitely lost track of time during this period.They received a phone call but obviously I couldn’t hear the conversation, to cut the story short, one of the kidnappers said (ogbeni yii ma slow waa down ni sha) I was already happy for a second and they kept us all in a room, meanwhile, two of the male kidnappers were still arguing about he wanting to sleep with all the ladies before killing us.The lady that kept us in the room forgot to lock it well, in short we found a way to escape and we found oursleves in IFO local government, here I am thanking God for my life.