Check Your Lifestyle

By Pastor Oloruntimilehin Joshua Daramola
Our lifestyle in this world is very important because it has a lot to do in our journey in life. If you are praying and your lifestyle is not meaningful before God that means you are just talking and not pray-ing.

Some people do offer sa-crifice before they talk; they place a pot contain-ing some items on T-Junctions as sacrifice. The sacrifice is to pave way for the person that is offering it. For the sac-rifice to be accept-ed the person is required to pray when placing the pot at the designated pla-ce.

Sacrifices are offered by people for them to have authority of tongue. Cain and Abel offered sacrifi-ces to God from their po-ssessions; they took the sacrifices to the altar of burnt offering. Cain’s sa-crifice was rejected while Abel’s sacrifice was acc-epted. Why was Abel’s sa-crifice accepted? The material used by Abel had authority than Cain’s mat-erial.
Genesis 4:3-7 “In the cour-se of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock…if you do what is right, will you not be accepted…” Likewise some people’s prayers are not answered because they lack auth-ority to control their homes.
These people will give instructions to their wives and children but they disobey and disreg-ard the instructions. This is the level of authority of tongue they have. It is not because they do not have money or they are bewit-ched.
There are families where wives are bread-winners, but their husb-ands still control the ho-mes. Such men are men of authority. Likewise many people know how to pray but do not have the authority of prayer in the-ir mouths. Some people fast to offer sacrifice as prayer yet the offering is not acceptable.
Christians, Muslims and traditionalists, all have different channels for offering sacrifice to God. Muslims believe that after fasting for 30 days they must slaughter white ram to God. Also Christians believe that after fasting, they have authority of tongue that is their sacri-fice to God. Jesus Christ had authority of tongue after fasting and praying for 40 days and 40 nights Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus was led to the wilderness not to stumble when temptat-ion came. He was able to overcome the temptation by the authority he had.
It was the same temptation that Job encountered that Samson had but Samson fell through the woman that came into his life.
Jesus and Job were tempt-ed so that they can be found guilty before God. Christians fast to help and empower their tong-ues. What’s fasting? Fast-ing is denial of person from eating and drinking. There are some foods that people should not eat because they kill the authority of tongue.
Many people will wonder and ponder at what I say. This is fact and true. I am saying this because the bible says people are pe-rishing because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), so we should seek for know-ledge and I have the knowledge and need to share it.
*For further enquiries contact The Omnipotence Mission of God, 2 Olo-runtimilehin St, Pipeline, Mosan off Ipaja road, Lagos or call 08023020108; 08058110288; 08023020108, 08058110288.

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