A beautiful smile ignites one to start a new day. Many people are uncomfortable when not smiling. A beautiful smile makes your face more
beautiful, charming and also lively.Your lips are one of the most important
and exquisitely sensitive part of your body. And therefore you have to take
special care of your lips.
The common lips problems are:
Dark Lips
You’ll be surprised to know that our lips unlike most other parts of our body does not have any melanin pigment to protect them. Lips are covered on the outside by a “thin layer of skin and on the inside by virtually transparent mucous membranes”. Therefore it is necessary to take good care of our lips and to eat well-balanced and nourished food and possibly lots of fruits.
You’ll be surprised to know that our lips unlike most other parts of our body does not have any melanin pigment to protect them. Lips are covered on the outside by a “thin layer of skin and on the inside by virtually transparent mucous membranes”. Therefore it is necessary to take good care of our lips and to eat well-balanced and nourished food and possibly lots of fruits.
ATTENTION! Tips, Causes and Treatment of Ance(Pimples)
Dark lips?
What can I do?
plenty of fruits and vegetables.
a layer of oil and leave it on for several hours. Best apply before going to bed.
coconut oil and almond oil in equal quantity. Apply a coat of this on the lips and leave on
overnight. This has to be done daily for at least two weeks for
best results.
lips: Every night with a mixture of 1/2 tsp. Glycerine and 1/2 tsp.
Castor oil with 1/2 tsp. Lemon juice and leave overnight.
cream from curds with saffron on your lips.
Cracked lips
do not produce oil like our skin, because they have no oil producing glands.
The skin on our lips is actually mucous membrane, so for them to remain smooth
and chap free is a bit of a challenge. The most common cause of cracked lips
are allergic reaction to cosmetics, skin infections, extreme weather conditions
like excess sun and wind exposure, biting of the lips or a vitamin B
ATTENTION! Secret of a Beautiful Skin
Cracked lips? What can I do?
Protect the lips from weather by applying heavy plain cream.
Protect the lips from weather by applying heavy plain cream.
licking your lips.
cure dry chapped lips, apply peanut butter or coco butter to your
lips before going to bed.
rose petals with cream on the top of milk and apply on lips to cure
the cracked lips
vitamin B, C foods in diet.
2 drops of glycerin with 1 tsp of cream on the top of milk and
apply to lips to cure the chapped lips and keep overnight to get
smooth and shiny lips.
equal quantities of nutmeg, turmeric, and fresh butter and apply to
water fomentation, followed by a mixture of Vaseline and honey
applied on the lips at least thrice a week will prevent lips from
should be moisturized and exfoliated. Exfoliate lips with your gentle facial
scrub using a toothbrush or just the tips of your fingers. You can
make a paste using baking soda and water to exfoliate lips as well.
Work it for a minute and then rinse with lukewarm water.
ATTENTION! Becoming Fashion Revolutionary
General care for the Lips
get natural pink lips apply beetroot juice before bed.
cold cream or moisturizer or lip balm before applying lipstick.
rose petals and apply on lips to get smooth pink lips
menthol based lip balm and take an old brush and brush gently on lips (don't
rub too hard, because lip are very sensitive) to get rid of chapped lips.