Building A Relationship With Yourself

Peek into yourself and ask if you have a relationship with yourself. Whatever the answer might be, a good way to know is through the time you spend with and by yourself. Like everything else, balance is core and me -time gives you that.

The lack of excess time in your everyday activities, should not prevent you from sparing yourself that little time. Your relationship with yourself is the most important one there is, take out the time to build it.
The benefits of having me-time are endless, here are some;
Figure yourself out
Just like every relationship, spending time with yourself allows you to pay more attention to who you are. You get to decide for yourself what makes you and what doesn’t, not because others think so but because you know so. Me-time gives you the opportunity to question your actions and the decisions you have made
Forgive and congratulate yourself
Just like every relationship, communication is key. Conversing with yourself is not you going crazy even when you talk out loud. It is me-time, so you get to do what to do to hear yourself. What have you done that you are not so proud of? Forgiving yourself when wrong is necessary so as not to cringe when you see your reflection. What about
what you did that deserves a tap on the back? Give yourself that, it is the boost you need to do more.
Enjoy your company
When it stops being weird to take yourself out, when you look forward to one of such days, when it does not feel lonely when you are by yourself, then you can say you enjoy your company.
Make others happy
Believe or not, there is so little you can do for others when the inside you are a battlefield. A happy you translates to happy people around you.

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