My Desire

Episode 6
The sound of Morgan’s voice startled both Kingsley and Sonia.
Kingsley looked up immediately he heard his name,he felt so weak mentally that all he could do was to mutter her name with saddness, her face had been flooded with tears with her lips trembling. He tried balancing himself on his feet, but Sonia who was still lying on the sofa pulled at the waist line of his shorts and that made him fall back on her body, Morgan couldn’t stand it and she ran out of the apartment with full speed leaving behind the package that dropped on the floor.
Kingsley sprang up and ran after her screaming “Morgan! Please wait Morgan! I’m sorry! I can explain! Morgan! Morgan!” instead she ran faster and hurriedly flagged down a bike, her heart was shattered.

Kingsley got back to his apartment and met Sonia sitting down with her legs crossed, her face was void of any expression he could explain.
His eyes became moist,and in no time tears were flowing from them but no sound came from his mouth. He kept pacing round the sitting room lost and confused. Why does Sonia have to pop up now? Why did Morgan pay him a surprise visit today of all days? How come he didn’t hear her coming? What was he going to do knowing that she met them in a very compromising position? All these went through his mind, he was brought back to reality when Sonia spoke.
Sonia who had been observing him without feeling any remorse about what happened broke the silence and said “King, stop acting like a boy! I love you, you love me. We were both stupid to stay in the shadows of bestfriends when we wanted more. This is a sign that God wants us to be together,that’s why Morgan showed up to save you the stress of breaking up. C’mon King we can make this work” she stood up and walked towards King trying to place her hands on his shoulders. Kingsley who had been watching her speak slapped off her hands and shouted at her with so much fury “get your hands off me you bitch! Do you have to destroy my life? Oh yes I loved you! I was so much in love with you that i feared i would loose my mind! But you never gave a thought of me then! I buried that love five months ago and you want me to wake that up at the expense of my new found joy? Who tha hell do you think you are Sonia! Isn’t Francis good enough for you? What have I done to you that you decided to take away my happiness this way? What sort of love suddenly came over you? When did you become so heartless? When did you become a slut! Oh my dear Morgan! How do i win her back?! Aren’t you even bothered about what Francis would say?” Kingsley spoke with so much venom that Sonia feared he would beat her up. She had never seen him so angry. His anger triggered her tears and anger as well. He had no right to blame her for what she felt and so she screamed out “shut up Kingsley! Shut the hell up! Now you talk like the saint here? I am the slut that is not satisfied with her man uh? You fucking caused it all you fool! What were you thinking while calling me those sweet names? What were you expecting me to feel when i spent most of time with you? You expect me to hate you when you were the only one i could share my heart with and be the real me around? You were so dumb to realize what your care was doing to me? Is it my fault you made me addicted to you? Is it my fault you didn’t ask me out to know what I would say? I told you I met Francis just a month before you came around, i gave you several green lights but your foolish self saw none of it! And you stand there and blame me? I am a woman! Was i supposed to ask you out? You have no right to blame me for whatever i feel for you! You made it so Kingsley! Why didn’t you let me be when you found out i have a man and you were too stupid to ask me out? Why didn’t you remain a facebook friend? Why come into my life as a bestfriend to torment me? How dare you talk to me in such manner?! Sonia screamed louder and hit Kingsley hard on the chest with her tightened fist.
Kingsley held her hands to prevent her from hitting him more. He hated himself for not talking when he should have, he hated himself for screaming at her, he hated himself for not noticing Morgan’s entry. And now he so hated himself for being at a state of confusion.
Sonia cried more shouting “fuck you Kingsley!”
Kingsley didn’t know why, but he felt the urge to silence her hot loud tears,and without thinking twice, he let his lips collide with hers as she sobbed into his mouth and trembled in his arms.

Like seriously? Can someone tell me what is wrong with these two?? I don’t understand them o. Lol.

to be continued

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