My Desire

Episode 8
Francis was determined to see Sonia and find out why she did what Morgan told him. He was so bitter towards Kingsley and hated the fact that they made a fool out of him by pretending to be besties. He was so certain they had been doing that for a long time before Morgan finally caught them.
He was sorry for Morgan, she sounded extremely broken. “Poor girl” he thought to himself.

As much as he was hurt, he was worried about Sonia, why hasn’t her line been going through. He was lost in thought all through his flight.

Morgan had left her shop in the care of her younger sister who was staying with her. She left for her parent’s house, she needed time to heal from the hurt. She wished she had followed her heart by letting Kingsley be when he talked about his bestie Sonia.

She had always felt uncomfortable with a lady as charming as Sonia being called her man’s bestie. But she felt there was no need to complain since Francis wasn’t complaining and Kingsley had been so loving.

She felt used and fooled. How could she have been so blind to see the chemistry between them? The picture of Kingsley lying on Sonia right there on the sofa kept appearing to her and that breaks her more.

Kingsley was worried about Sonia, what could have made her switch off her lines for two weeks with her social media accounts dormant? He was lost on how to get in touch with Morgan, since her sister refused to tell him Morgan’s whereabout. He had tried using different lines to call her,but the moment she hears his voice, she hangs the call and bar the number.

How can his sweet romantic life turn upside down all of a sudden just in a day? It was making him think more than he should and he feared he might die of high blood pressure soon.

Kingsley picked up his car keys, he needed to make sure Sonia was alright, he can’t keep sitting in his comfort zone and getting worried over two big issues at a time. At least, one should be out of it. He was oblivious of the fact that Francis was also on his way.

Francis got to Sonia’s hostel at 1:05pm, he walked straight to her room, but the door was locked from within. That gave him hope that Sonia was inside.
He knocked for about five minutes, but there was no answer.

He stood staring at the door frustrated. Was he going to come all the way from Lagos only to be turned back by a locked door?
He was wondering what to do when he started hearing sounds of someone in pain. The voice sounded distant,but he was sure the voice belonged to Sonia.

He became disturbed and tried forcing the iron door open all to no avail.
Then he remembered he had a spare key to her room in his wallet. How could he have forgotten?
He hurriedly searched for the key and opened the door.
Sonia wasn’t in the room, Francis was already sweating, he listened for the fading voice and traced it to the small but beautiful kitchen attached to the room.

The sight he met scared the day light out of him, Sonia was on the floor writhing in pain with a new kitchen knife stucked deep into her stomach, there was blood all over,and she was hardly breathing.

The last thing she saw was Francis face, she smiled weakly even with the blood coming out of her mouth and her eyelids closed.
Francis screamed as he held Sonia in his arms, his clothes had been stained and he tried pulling out the knife stucked in her stomach, but couldn’t.

Just in time, Kingsley got in wondering why the door was left ajar, then he heard a man’s voice in the kitchen calling out Sonia. He rushed in only to meet Francis trying to pull out the knife with blood all over his body and Sonia’s eyes were closed.
He screamed out “Francis! What have you done? Do you have to murder her?!”

Francis said nothing, he just kept calling out her name,shaking her furiously to wake up and crying like a baby.
Kingsley pushed him off fiercely with pain in his heart and carried Sonia up in his arms darting for the door. No! Sonia can’t be dead, the doctors must do something!
He cursed under his breath as he rushed for the stairs with Francis running after him, “Francis! You’ll pay for this! If Sonia dies, you are a dead man Francis. I swear I’ll bring you down!”

Francis had nothing to say, he wasn’t concerned with whatever Kingsley was saying, he just wanted his Sonia back. He got into Kingsley’s car, sat at the back seat with Sonia in his arms as Kingsley drove furiously out of the compound headed for the nearest hospital.
He was scared, angry, pained and sad all at once. He wished he had visited earlier to stop Francis. His only hope was that Sonia’s body was still warm.

He got into the hospital premises driving like a mad man, the nurses hurriedly came out after noticing it was an emergency. They brought out the stretcher and wheeled Sonia who still had the knife stucked in her stomach into the emergency unit.
Kingsley and Francis had to stay behind…

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