By Ayo Onikoyi
The Wikipedia describes ‘feminism’ “as the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men, so says the all-knowing Wikipedia but the displays on the social media these days have added a new dimension to the meaning.

It is a war of the sexes and the women appear to be taking the battle to every facet of our lives. The argument is, if men can go bare-chested, so can they. On Instagram and other social platforms they are rampaging with their nudity and are so cocky about it, lording it on us that it is all about embracing their sexuality and bringing to fore the woman in them.
When Potpourri took the matter to Harmonee, Nigerian actress and singer, born Susan Emike, the delectable beauty was fired up and gave us the modern day picture of feminism and how nudity isn’t all wrong.
“Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes,” she said airily. “Nudity is nakedness, it’s a state of wearing no clothes, they are two different things. If nudity is way of expressing equality with men, why not. So, there’s nothing wrong in advocating it with nakedness. Nudity is liberation while feminism in its basic concept is equality of the sexes,” she added.